EmberJS - SkillBakery Studios


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Sunday, September 20, 2020


Ember.js is an open-source JavaScript client-side framework which is used for developing web applications. It uses the MVC(Model-View-Controller) architecture pattern. It helps in building client-side JavaScript application, by providing the complete solution, which contains data management and application flow.

One should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Document Object Model (DOM) and any text editor. It is good that one should have the knowledge that how the web based application and internet works.


 Reasons for using Ember.js −

·      Ember.js is an open-source JavaScript framework under MIT license.

·      It provides the new binding syntax using the HTMLBars template engine which is a superset of the Handerlbars templating engine.

·      It provides the Glimmer rendering engine to increase the rendering speed.

·      It provides the Command Line Interface utility that integrates Ember patterns into development process and focuses easily on the developer productivity.

·      It supports data binding to create the link between two properties and when one property changes, the other property will get upgraded with the new value.



Features of Ember.js-

·      Ember.js is used for creating reusable and maintainable JavaScript web applications.

·      Ember.js has HTML and CSS at the core of the development model.

·      It provides the instance initializers.

·      The routes are core features of the Ember.js which are used for managing the URL's.

·      Ember.js provides Ember Inspector tool for debugging Ember applications.

·      Ember.js uses templates that help to automatically update the model, if the content of applications gets changed.


 EmberJS has the following core concepts −

  • Router
  • Templates
  • Models
  • Components

Router- The application is loaded by entering the URL in the address bar, and when the user clicks on a link in the application, the ember uses the router to map the URL to router handler and the router matches the URL to the route, which is further used for loading data and displaying the templates.

The Router handlers help in the following activities.

·      It provides the template.

·      It defines the model that will be accessible to the template and if there is no permission for the user to visit a particular part of the app, then the router will redirect to a new route.

 Templates- are powerful UI for the end-users. Ember template provides user interface look of an application which uses the syntax of Handlebars templates. It builds the front-end application, which is like the regular HTMLModels

Models- The route handlers render the model that persists information to the web server. It manipulates the data stored in the database. The model is the simple class that extends the functionality of the Ember Data. Ember Data is a library that is tightly coupled with Ember.js to manipulate with the data stored in the database.

Components-The components is responsible for use interface, and it include two parts

(i)             a template which is written in JavaScript

(ii)           a source file which is written in JavaScript, which provides the behaviour of the component.

For now, we learn the basics of Ember.js.To start developing your web application kindly visit our website for step by step instructions


and for tutorials 

kindly visit 


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