Using the WordPress Settings API to Create Custom Theme Options - SkillBakery Studios


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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Using the WordPress Settings API to Create Custom Theme Options

 Let us now look at how a developer can add a new Theme Option using the WordPress Settings API. We list the tasks and the corresponding APIs for adding a new checkbox Theme Option to a theme. As a reference for creating a complete working example, we have also added the sample code for adding a new Menu item and page. You may change it as per requirement.

Step 1: Create a new Menu for WordPress Theme Options

Add new menu named “Theme Customization” under the Appearance Menu. The new menu opens the page “theme_options” defined in next step.

add_theme_page("Theme Customization", "Theme Customization", "manage_options", "theme-options", "theme_option_page", null, 99);

Output Settings Page

Step 2: Add Blank Page for new Menu

Add new blank page “theme_options” for the “Theme Customization” menu. The page title is “Custom Theme Options Page”.

//this function creates a simple page with title Custom Theme Options Page.
function theme_option_page() {
<div class="wrap">
<h1>Custom Theme Options Page</h1>
<form method="post" action="options.php">

Output settings page

Step 3: Add and display custom sections to new Page

Display the sections for the page. Call these APIs only after you have defined the settings and sections in the functions.php file.
function theme_option_page() {
<div class="wrap">
<h1>Custom Theme Options Page</h1>
<form method="post" action="options.php">
// display all sections for theme-options page
function theme_section_description(){
echo '<p>Theme Option Section</p>';
//admin-init hook to create settings section with title “New Theme Options Section”.
function test_theme_settings(){
add_settings_section( 'first_section', 'New Theme Options Section',

Step 4: Add Settings Field to Section

Next, we add a settings field called “first_field_option” to the section. We also register the field and add the theme option to the options database.

function theme_option_page() {
<div class="wrap">
<h1>Custom Theme Options Page</h1>
<form method="post" action="options.php">
// display settings field on theme-option page

// display all sections for theme-options page
function theme_section_description(){
echo '<p>Theme Option Section</p>';
function options_callback(){
echo '<p>This is the new Setting</p>';
function test_theme_settings(){
add_option('first_field_option',1);// add theme option to database
add_settings_section( 'first_section', 'New Theme Options Section',

add_settings_field('first_field_option','Test Settings Field','options_callback',
'theme-options','first_section');//add settings field to the section “first_section”
register_setting( 'theme-options-grp', 'first_field_option');

Output settings page

Step 5: Retrieve the Settings Field value

Let us now see how to retrieve and use the value of the settings field option. We modify the settings field display callback to set the initial value of a checkbox field. We use the get_option API to retrieve the value of the option from the database.

$value = get_option('first_field_option');,

In the sample code below, the value of the checkbox is set according to the value saved in the database. If the user checks the checkbox and submits the changes, then next time when he opens the “Theme Customization” tab, the checkbox will be checked as per value saved in the database.

function theme_option_page() {


<div class="wrap">

<h1>Custom Theme Options Page</h1>

<form method="post" action="options.php">


// display settings field on theme-option page


// display all sections for theme-options page







function add_theme_menu_item() {

add_theme_page("Theme Customization", "Theme Customization", "manage_options", "theme-options", "theme_option_page", null, 99);}

add_action("admin_menu", "add_theme_menu_item");

function theme_section_description(){

echo '<p>Theme Option Section</p>';}

function options_callback(){

$options = get_option( 'first_field_option' );

echo '<input name="first_field_option" id="first_field_option" type="checkbox" value="1" class="code" ' . checked( 1, $options, false ) . ' /> Check for enabling custom help text.';


function test_theme_settings(){

add_option('first_field_option',1);// add theme option to database

add_settings_section( 'first_section', 'New Theme Options Section',


add_settings_field('first_field_option','Test Settings Field','options_callback',

'theme-options','first_section');//add settings field to the “first_section”

register_setting( 'theme-options-grp', 'first_field_option');



Output settings page

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