In this blog-post, we will learn about the fundamentals of mean stack to build a real-world application.
What can you expect from this post?
· We will
take you through the fundamentals of JavaScript so that you feel at ease with
Mean concepts.
· How to
begin with the mean stack.
· To Understand
the main components to build applications using Mean Stack.
· To start
your work with Mean stack and JavaScript.
· Detailed
video and course tutorials.
What is the MEAN stack?
Mean is a short form of all the commonly used technologies. The cool thing about Mean stack is
whether server-side or client-side, we have only one language to learn JavaScript and can use
on both sides.We build a simple application by writing easy and little code using all the key
Key components of MEAN stack are
Mongo DB (Database)
AngularJS (Client-Side)
Node.JS (Application Server)
Express (Framework)
What is the MEAN stack?
Mean is a short form of all the commonly used technologies. The cool thing about Mean stack is
whether server-side or client-side, we have only one language to learn JavaScript and can use
on both sides.We build a simple application by writing easy and little code using all the key
Key components of MEAN stack are
Mongo DB (Database)
AngularJS (Client-Side)
Node.JS (Application Server)
Express (Framework)
DB Stores the application's data, both the application
and database use JavaScript.In Mongo DB you can add fields to the database
without reloading the entire table. Mongo DB is widely known for its ability to
manage large data.
a web application framework for Node.JS.Express handles communication between
the frontend and the helps and ensures easy and smooth transfer of
data to the end-user. Express helps excellent error handling and templating to
aid your development.
JS Popular
frontend framework. It helps in the front end development and commonly we use
Angular JS when we develop web applications in JavaScript. Angular JS is used
in both desktop and mobile Applications. It has easy to use template features
which makes it ideal for cloud-based applications.
is an ideal framework for cloud-based applications, it can be easily scalable
as per demand.Node.JS is the most important part of the MEAN stack. It comes
with web server and easy to deploy Mongo DB databases and applications to the
for MEAN
· Basic
knowledge of HTML
· JavaScript
· Functions
· Expressions
· Variables
& scope
· Objects
Before getting started we need to install Node.JS and then
install Mongo DB .below video has all the instructions to set up Mongo on
different operating systems.
After following the
installation of Express which is used to communicate
between frontend and
database, we begin installing a database MongoDB
of using Mean Stack
· We have
to learn only one language JavaScript to develop the whole application.
· Learning curve is easy.
· Database
is document-oriented.
· We have
Node.js on the server-side which is fast and scalable
· Angular
JS on the client-side ensures reusable maintainable client-side applications
and used to create single-page applications with much ease.
· Data
transfer is also done in JSON format which is again supported by JavaScript.
To get started
first, we have to learn what is JavaScript?
JavaScript is a programming language built
into the browser and is focused primarily on making the pages interactive
Previously JavaScript was used as a client
side but with the time and its gaining popularity it is one of the most widely
used programming language.
Now it’s also available as a server-side
language in the form of Node.JS.
To get hands-on Experience in MEAN stack and to help support and grow your business to follow our tutorials on
To get hands-on Experience in MEAN stack and to help support and grow your business to follow our tutorials on
The term MEAN Stack refers to a collection of JavaScript based technologies used to develop web applications. MEAN is an acronym which stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular and Node. js. The MEAN Stack enables you to use JavaScript on both, front- and back-end. best MEAN stack course