Master React JS: Learn React JS from Scratch - SkillBakery Studios


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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Master React JS: Learn React JS from Scratch

Welcome to another interesting topic and this will help you to master the art of ReactJS and be ready for the future web-development .Companies like Facebook & Instagram are already using ReactJS to build dynamic user interfaces for better user experience. This blogpost will cover from basic to advance including Flux.

React JS is a JavaScript library or framework for creating UI (user interfaces) by Facebook & Instagram. We can think of react as view in Model View Controller. React gives you a template language and some function hooks to essentially render HT.

What is React JS?

Before we start, I want to share a very important tip, “This blogpost along with the course is designed for those who prefer to do and learn by self-exploring “.So what is ReactJS?

React is a declarative, flexible &efficient library for building user interfaces. It gives you to compose complex UIs from small code when we call components.


Why we should be using React?

User Interface code is readable and maintainable

Code Reusability

React can be rendered on both client & server-side.

React uses the concept called virtual DOM that selectively renders subtrees of nodes upon state changes.

 Downloading & Installing:


 React Virtual DOM

Step 1: React runs a defining algorithm which identifies what exactly has changed

 Step 2: Reconciliation where it updates the documents object model with the results of 


Features of ReactJS

·       JSX

·       Virtual DOM

·       Event Handling

·       Performance

·       React Native

·       One Way Data Binding



JSX is markup syntax just like .HTML, it is basically a combination of JavaScript +XML. It makes writing React components, the building blocks easier. This is a great choice for many web developers. It is used with React to describe what the user interface should look like.

JSX helps in making the code is easier to understand and debug as it avoids usage of JS DOM structures which are rather complex.


 Virtual DOM

A virtual DOM object is a representation of a DOM object, it will create a copy of the original DOM.


DOM (Document Object Model) treats an XML or HTML document as a tree structure in which each node is an object representing a part of the document.

Event Handling

All browser's native events are wrapped by the instances of the synthetic events. React has its own event system which is fully compatible with the W3C model. Virtual DOM is the exact copy of real DOM.


React was one-way data binding with application architecture called controls. ReactJS can help update the view for the user, Flux can control the application workflow.

 React Native

React Native is a custom render to React. React Nature uses native components instead of web components .If you already know about React. You still need to learn components specific to React Native.

 One Way Data Binding

In React everything is component. Since component logic is written in JavaScript instead of template. React one-way data binding keeps everything fast. When designing an app you often nest child components within parent components.


React has many extensions for complete application support. It provides server-side rendering. It can be extended with Flux and Redux.

What is the flux?

Flux is the application architecture that Facebook uses for building web applications



Flux implement unidirectional flow makes it easier to deduce what’s going on.

Dispatcher when an action triggers the dispatcher will get notified.

Store Dispatcher is dealing in action the store is listening to it.

View  gets updated when the store changes its state.


 Components states and props

 In react everything component, since component logic is written in JavaScript instead of templates. Components are the building blocks of any react application. In this, a single application consists of multiple components.


Components are like a function that returns HTML elements.

 For e.g.


 import React from “react”;

class Simple extends React.Components{











In the above example, a component is implemented as a javascript class having a render method.


It is the data that we want the component to render.


Props : These are properties that allow us to pass arguments or data to components.

 For e.g.



import React from ‘react’;

Class App extends React.Component{









import React from ‘react’;

import ReactDOM from ‘react-dom’;

import App from ‘./App.jsx’;

ReactDOM.render(<App computerProp=”icore5” scooterprop =”100cc”;


Export default App;


 What are the Prerequisites needed to start with React?

One should be familiar with programming concepts like objects, functions, classes and basic knowledge of Javascript and a little bit of HTML.

 Want to explore more visit our website


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