What New features added in C# 9.0 - SkillBakery Studios


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Monday, August 31, 2020

What New features added in C# 9.0

C# 9.0 is about to launch and some of the major features which is being added to this next version of the language.

With every new version of C# it has been tried to provide to more clarity and simplicity in common coding scenarios for the developers/users.

Some of the important features which is being added up is given below-

Init-only properties –

Object initializers are pretty awesome. They give the client of a type a very flexible and readable format for creating an object, and they are especially great for nested object creation where a whole tree of objects is created in one go. Here’s a simple one:

new Person


    FirstName = "Scott",

    LastName = "Hunter"


Object initializers also free the type author from writing a lot of construction boilerplate – all they have to do is write some properties!

public class Person


    public string FirstName { get; set; }

    public string LastName { get; set; }


The one big limitation today is that the properties have to be mutable for object initializers to work: They function by first calling the object’s constructor (the default, parameterless one in this case) and then assigning to the property setters.

Init-only properties fix that! They introduce an init accessor that is a variant of the set accessor which can only be called during object initialization:

public class Person


    public string FirstName { get; init; }

    public string LastName { get; init; }


With this declaration, the client code above is still legal, but any subsequent assignment to the FirstName and LastName properties is an error.

Init accessors and readonly fields


Because init accessors can only be called during initialization, they are allowed to mutate readonly fields of the enclosing class, just like you can in a constructor.

public class Person
    private readonly string firstName;
    private readonly string lastName;
    public string FirstName 
        get => firstName; 
        init => firstName = (value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(FirstName)));
    public string LastName 
        get => lastName; 
        init => lastName = (value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(LastName)));



Init-only properties are great if you want to make individual properties immutable. If you want the whole object to be immutable and behave like a value, then you should consider declaring it as a record:

public data class Person
    public string FirstName { get; init; }
    public string LastName { get; init; }

The data keyword on the class declaration marks it as a record. This imbues it with several additional value-like behaviors, which we’ll dig into in the following. Generally speaking, records are meant to be seen more as “values” – data! – and less as objects. They aren’t meant to have a mutable encapsulated state. Instead, you represent change over time by creating new records representing the new state. They are defined not by their identity, but by their contents.

Data members

Records are overwhelmingly intended to be immutable, with init-only public properties that can be non-destructively modified through with-expressions. In order to optimize for that common case, records change the defaults of what a simple member declaration of the form string FirstNamemeans. Instead of an implicitly private field, as in other class and struct declarations, in records, this is taken to be shorthand for a public, init-only auto-property! Thus, the declaration:

public data class Person { string FirstName; string LastName; }

Means exactly the same as the one we had before:

public data class Person
    public string FirstName { get; init; }
    public string LastName { get; init; }

We think this makes for beautiful and clear record declarations. If you really want a private field, you can just add the private modifier explicitly:

private string firstName;


Records and mutation

 The value-based semantics of a record don’t gel well with mutable state. Imagine putting a record object into a dictionary. Finding it again depends on Equals and (sometimes) GethashCode. But if the record changes its state, it will also change what it’s equal to! We might not be able to find it again! In a hash table implementation, it might even corrupt the data structure, since placement is based on the hash code it has “on arrival”!

There are probably some valid advanced uses of mutable state inside of records, notably for caching. But the manual work involved in overriding the default behaviors to ignore such state is likely to be considerable.

With-expressions and inheritance

 Value-based equality and non-destructive mutation are notoriously challenging when combined with inheritance. Let’s add a derived record class Student to our running example:

public data class Person { string FirstName; string LastName; }
public data class Student : Person { int ID; }

And let’s start our with-expression example by actually creating a Student, but storing it in a Personvariable:

Person person = new Student { FirstName = "Scott", LastName = "Hunter", ID = GetNewId() };
otherPerson = person with { LastName = "Hanselman" };

At the point of that with-expression on the last line the compiler has no idea that person actually contains a Student. Yet, the new person wouldn’t be a proper copy if it wasn’t actually a Studentobject, complete with the same ID as the first one copied over.

C# makes this work. Records have a hidden virtual method that is entrusted with “cloning” the whole object. Every derived record type overrides this method to call the copy constructor of that type and the copy constructor of derived record chains to the copy constructor of the base record. A with-expression simply calls the hidden “clone” method and applies the object initializer to the result.


Top-level programs

Writing a simple program in C# requires a remarkable amount of boilerplate code:

using System;
class Program
    static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

This is not only overwhelming for language beginners, but clutters up the code and adds levels of indentation.

In C# 9.0 you can just choose to write your main program at the top level instead:

using System;
 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

Any statement is allowed. The program has to occur after the usings and before any type or namespace declarations in the file and you can only do this in one file, just as you can have only one Main method today.

If you want to return a status code you can do that. If you want to await things you can do that. And if you want to access command-line arguments, args is available as a “magic” parameter.

Local functions are a form of statement and are also allowed in the top-level program. It is an error to call them from anywhere outside of the top-level statement section.

Simple type patterns

Currently, a type pattern needs to declare an identifier when the type matches – even if that identifier is a discard _, as in DeliveryTruck _ above. But now you can just write the type:

DeliveryTruck => 10.00m,


 Relational patterns-

 C# 9.0 introduces patterns corresponding to the relational operators <, <= and so on. So you can now write the DeliveryTruck part of the above pattern as a nested switch expression:

DeliveryTruck t when t.GrossWeightClass switch
    > 5000 => 10.00m + 5.00m,
    < 3000 => 10.00m - 2.00m,
    _ => 10.00m,
Here > 5000 and < 3000 are relational patterns
 Logical patterns-


Finally you can combine patterns with logical operators and, or and not, spelled out as words to avoid confusion with the operators used in expressions. For instance, the cases of the nested switch above could be put into ascending order like this:

DeliveryTruck t when t.GrossWeightClass switch
    < 3000 => 10.00m - 2.00m,
    >= 3000 and <= 5000 => 10.00m,
    > 5000 => 10.00m + 5.00m,

The middle case there uses and to combine two relational patterns and form a pattern representing an interval.

A common use of the not pattern will be applying it to the null constant pattern, as in not null. For instance, we can split the handling of unknown cases depending on whether they are null:

not null => throw new ArgumentException($"Not a known vehicle type: {vehicle}", nameof(vehicle)),
null => throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(vehicle))

Also not is going to be convenient in if-conditions containing is-expressions where instead of unwieldy double parentheses:

if (!(e is Customer)) { ... }

You can just say

if (e is not Customer) { ... }


Improved target typing-

“Target typing” is a term we use for when an expression gets its type from the context of where it’s being used. For instance, null and lambda expressions are always target type.

In C# 9.0 some expressions that weren’t previously target typed become able to be guided by their context.

Target-typed new expressions-


new expressions in C# have always required a type to be specified (except for implicitly typed array expressions). Now you can leave out the type if there’s a clear type that the expressions is being assigned to.

Point p = new (3, 5);
 Target typed ?? and ?:-

 Sometimes conditional ?? and ?: expressions don’t have an obvious shared type between the branches. Such cases fail today, but C# 9.0 will allow them if there’s a target type that both branches convert to:

Person person = student ?? customer; // Shared base type
int? result = b ? 0 : null; // nullable value type


Source:- https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/welcome-to-c-9-0/

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